The District shall replace printers and copiers on a 8-year refresh cycle.

If your department has a need for a new printer, copier, or scanner please follow these guidelines to determine the funding source:

Printer, Copier, and Scanner Refresh Funding Guidelines


ITS Funded

Department / Grant Funded

Instructional Equipment Funded

Shared Administrative Department Printers/Copiers


Shared Academic Division 
Printers/Copiers for Instructional Purposes


Personal Printers



Printers Originally Purchased with Grant Funds



Student Pay-Per-Print Stations



Speciality Printers (3D, Photo)





Managed Print Services (MPS)

All printers should be enrolled in an MPS program so that toner replacements are automatically sent and printers are repaired by a certified technician as needed.

Obsolete Printers/Copiers

Printers and copiers should be replaced when they are no longer fully supported by the managed print services provider.  Printers and copiers require regular maintenance and replacement of consumables such as toner and fuser.  Obsolete printers and copiers will be collected for salvaging and will not be supported by ITS.

Personal Printers

Printing to larger workgroup printers and copiers can save the District up to 80% on printing costs compared to printing with personal printers. As a result, the purchase of personal printers will only be approved in very limited cases and all personal printer requests must be approved by the ITS Department. We understand that not every personal printer can be eliminated, and there are legitimate reasons why a personal printer will need to be kept in place long term:  

  1. There is no shared printer available in a common area within 75 feet of an employee.
  2. A staff/faculty employee frequently prints documents containing confidential data and the only shared printer available is in an area accessible to students or the public.
  3. A manager frequently prints documents containing confidential data.

Note: “Frequently” is defined as printing documents with confidential data at least once every week. “Confidential data” is defined in AP 3722 Data Classification Standards and examples include personally identifiable information (PII), FERPA protected information, personal health information (PHI), personnel records and student records.

If you have a need for a personal printer and you feel that you meet this criteria, please submit a personal printer exception request to ITS here:                           

Student Pay-Per-Print Stations

The District currently provides 10 student pay-per-print stations across the campus.  These pay-per-print stations make it easy for students to print out assignments and pay a reasonable flat rate per page.  If you are interested in purchasing an additional pay-per-print station for your division or program, please contact the ITS Help Desk for more information on pricing.

If your Department has a need to refresh printers or copiers please contact the ITS Help Desk by visiting or by emailing by

Current Standard Models

Current Printer Standards

Printer Type

Manufacturer and Model

Personal Desktop Printer - B/W

HP LaserJet E40040dn

Personal Desktop Printer - Color

HP LaserJet E45028dn

Personal Multifunction Printer - Color

HP LaserJet E47528f

Workgroup Desktop Printer - B/W

HP LaserJet E60155dn

Workgroup Desktop Printer - Color

HP LaserJet E60155dn

Workgroup Multifunction Printer - B/W

HP LaserJet E62655dn

Workgroup Multifunction Printer - Color

HP LaserJet E60155dn

Large Department Desktop Printer - B/W

HP LaserJet E62665z

Large Department Copier - B/W, A3

HP LaserJet E82550

Large Department Copier - Color, A3

HP LaserJet E87650

Document Scanner

Epson DS-530

Accreditation Standard - ACCJC Standard III. C.2

The institution continuously plans for, updates and replaces technology to ensure its technological infrastructure, quality and capacity are adequate to support its mission, operations, programs, and services.